DANZA&DANZA prize 2018

group piece 30 minutes
choreography Francesca Foscarini
dramaturgy Cosimo Lopalco
+ information– information

Following the experience in Cagliari in 2016, LANDing, a multidisciplinary choreographic practice project by Francesca Foscarini and Cosimo Lopalco, lands in Bassano del Grappa for B Motion 2018 to meet some dancers of Dance Well (movement and research for Parkinson).

The performance Oro. L’arte di resistere came to life: a research on the contemporary resistance in the city awarded the Gold Medal for Military Valor for the Resistance. The word gold, a precious and durable metal, becomes a metaphor and symbol not only of resistance and its value, but also of (re)existance. The dancers, with their own biographies and personal relations with the (alive, dead, present, past, remembered, forgotten) city reveal in the dance living idea (biography) of resistance / existence.

“The show’s progression is steady yet full or surprises; falls, tumbles, cartwheels, singing, the whole lot. To think the cast is formed of performers aged 60+ and sufferers of Parkinsons, is unbelievable. The music choice was brilliant, all Italians in the audience began to sing along to timeless classics, whilst we were invited to join the dance. And everybody danced. It was wonderful”.

Maria Popova, Leeds Beckett University Team, ABCDance

“It unravels the image of “social dance” by introducing extremely human beats of shared moments, composing frames of disruptive tenderness, of moving afflatus as each gesture is embellished by the fragility of experience, and each movement is enhanced by the vital breath that sustains it. And it makes one’s heart jump, setting free emotions that unite everyone, audience and performers, merging into a single breath the greater human society that knows no age nor physical condition”
Giuseppe Distefano, Artribune